Files @ b168d439d9a0
Branch filter:

Location: linux-tools/kcdemu/packaging/debian/DEBIAN/control

initial commit. Version 1.0
Package: kcdemu
Version: %VERSION%
Section: utils
Architecture: all
Maintainer: Khaelenmore Thaal <>
Depends: python3 (>=3.5.0), python3-pyqt5, python3-dbus, python3-dbus.mainloop.pyqt5, cdemu-daemon (>=3.1.0)
Installed-Size: %SIZE%
Priority: optional
Description: QT5 application to control CDEmu daemon
 This is KCDEmu, a QT5 application for controlling CDEmu daemon. It was written
 in order to create a user-friendly way to interact with CDEmu.
 It provides a graphic interface that allows performing the key tasks related to
 controlling the CDEmu daemon, such as loading and unloading devices, displaying
 devices' status and modifying device settings.